Natural compound for Biotherapeutics



Avinia is dedicated to developing small molecule compounds from natural sources as novel agents for improving health and well-being.

We have chosen the products of the cashew plant as the first of our natural products for development. Anacardic acid is the main ingredient of the cashew fruit and shell. It has been used widely used in many cultures for medicinal purposes and as a dietary supplement

Unlocking new treatments for inflammatory and neurodegenerative conditions

Phase 1

Anacardic acid as a dietary ingredient.

Phase 2​

Anacardic Acid as a therapeutic agent for inflammatory disorders.

Phase 3

Synthetic analogs of anacardic acid as novel drug targets.

Cashew and cashew seeds

The Cashew

The cashew fruit and seed come from Anacardium Occidentale, an angiosperm from the Anacardiacae family. Many parts of the Anacardium Occidentale, including the fruit and the nut, have been used for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. The main ingredients shown to have medicinal value and health benefits are the different forms of anacardic acid, which is obtained from the fruit nuts and the covering shell of the nut. The use of anacardic acid and its analogs has remained a medicinal curiosity, without entry as a nutritional supplement or as new compounds for future drug development.


Natural medicinal value and health benefits

  • Antioxidant Properties: Anacardic acid has been found to inhibit pro-oxidant enzymes involved in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Hence, its potential use in many disorders characterized by oxidative stress such as that seen in Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s other neurodegenerative conditions
  • Antiproliferative Activity: Antiproliferative activities have been thought to be due to the inhibition of histone acetyltransferase, an enzyme thought to play a role in cell proliferation and death.
  • Modulation of Inflammation: Inhibition of SUMOylation and the attendant downstream effects of de-SUMOylation on inflammation.
Two Cashew seeds
red cashew fruit isolated on white background
Phase 1

Anacardic acid as a dietary ingredient

Avinia has synthesized >99.9% pure anacardic acid for commercial and research purposes.

Avinia has completed extended stability of the compound 

Avinia has completed in vitro genotoxic studies and longterm in vivo toxicological studies in rodents.

Avinia is currently preparing the necessary documentation for regulatory approval for the use of anacardic acid as a dietary ingredient.

Phase 2

Anacardic acid in preclinical models of inflammation and repair

  • Explore the potential use of Anacardic acid in animal models of inflammatory diseases.
  • Explore the potential use of Anacardic acid in animal models of inflammatory diseases.
  • Complete IP on the formulation of the compound in India and Europe.
  • Complete studies on the bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of anacardic acid.
Cashew nut apple and seed
Cashews and cashew milk
Phase 3

Synthetic analogues of anacardic acid as novel drug targets

We have identified the SUMOylation pathway as a key site of action of anacardic acid.

We have generated a panel of novel synthetic compounds based on the structure of anacardic acid.

The site of action and the novel agents’ in vitro and in vivo effects of the novel agents are like those seen with anacardic acid.

These compounds are orally bioavailable and cross the blood-brain barrier.

our team

Scientific advisors & Research team

Subramaniam Sriram
S. Sriram MS


Dr. Murali Ramanathan
Dr. Murali Ramanathan

Scientific Advisor​

Matt Vergne
Matt Vergne

Scientific Advisor

John Kramer
John Kramer, pA

Scientific Advisor

Chase Spurlock
Chase Spurlock

Scientific Advisor

The SUMO activating enzyme (E1), SAE1/2, commences the reaction process by interacting with SUMO, to form a high-energy thioester bond. The SUMO conjugating enzyme (E2) then binds SUMO via cysteine residue in its active site. This intermediate provides a highly reactive species, important in the final conjugation, facilitated by an E3 ligase. SUMO E3 ligases act to either activate Ubc9 or bring Ubc9 and the target protein within close proximity of each other, thus enhancing SUMOylation.

Gene expression is regulated by the state of activation of transcription factors which in turn are influenced by their state of SUMOylation.  Current studies on the molecular mechanism of transcriptional repression supports the model that covalent attachment of SUMO provides for the recruitment of corepressor complexes which lead to increased gene expression and at other time repression of gene expression.

Avinia leverages the action of anacardic acid on the expression of inflammatory molecules

Anacardic acid binds to the E1 enzyme of the SUMOylation pathway. Inhibition of Sumoylation leads to the decrease in the expression of SUMOylated protein. This is achieved by the actions of anacardic acid and its analogues.


Inhibition of E1 on activated lymphocytes by anacardic acid in culture leads to following outcomes on immune response:

  • increases innate immune responses.
  • decreases IL-17 a key enzyme in autoimmune inflammation.
  • causes modest reduction in gamma IFN and no effect on Tumor necrosis factor.
  • increase in IL-10 and IL-13 assisting in removal of parasitic infections.

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Madina, Ethiopia

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Kawo, Dodola​

“We have cried out for clean water, but nobody has given us an ear yet.”​

Gishu, Ethiopia​

“Eu facilisis sed odio morbi quis commodo. Pulvinar etiam non.”​

Sumaiya, Dodola​

“Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames.”​


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